Transition Together

News & events from the team developing Vive and supporting Transition to grow and thrive in the UK

Profile picture of Yaz Brien
Transition Together · ·
Last updated Dec 19, 2023 - 6:03 PM Visible also to unregistered users
**Organising Spaces for groups in the UK**\ \ Just like out in our communities our work here on Vive involves experimenting, listening to feedback, learning and trying new things as we go. And we’ve been hearing of a need for open source tools, all in one place, to help support the work groups and networks are doing. We want to begin to offer private spaces for groups and local networks to use to organise together. We have a range of tools that we can add to a space to help you communicate, schedule, plan, make decisions and collaborate together. They may not be as shiny as the corporate ones but we think they can help, and we’ll be relying on your experimentation and feedback to help us to shape this development. If you’re interested in having an organising space, either now or in the future, please tell us more in this [Expression of Interest - Group Organising Space Form]( "Expression of Interest - Group Organising Space Form") We’ll be back in touch in the new year to talk about next steps.