Vive help

  1. Watch the intro video
  2. If you want to change how often you receive emails you can change that setting in your profile
  3. If you wish you can add yourself to the map
  4. Change your language or timezone
  5. Use the Android app
  6. If you still need further support then please check the documentation or fill out the form below to open a ticket

Request a space

Please fill in this form for a public space.

Or this form for a private organsisng space with extra tools

Community Safety

If you see content that is not in line with the Community Agreement or other terms then please report the post or comment. You can do this by clicking on the arrow at the top right corner of the post or comment.

Data protection

The privacy policy is here. If you would like to get a copy of your data or delete your account please fill in our GDPR form

Further help

Please fill out the form below if you need further help