Transition Together

News & events from the team developing Vive and supporting Transition to grow and thrive in the UK

Jess Farr · ·
Last updated Sep 10, 2024 - 1:57 PM Visible also to unregistered users

November 6, 2024 (7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Europe/London)

An opportunity to come together to discuss what a movement is, how to build one, and whether we think Transition is one.  A time to review Transition’s history and principles, and have an open discussion on what Transition’s future could look like in a rapidly changing landscape. **More info about invited speakers and a detailed agenda coming soon - register your interest in attending for updates.** This event is part of the [Network Weaving team’s]( **Movement Building event series**, being held in the run-up to the [Transition Assembly on 7-9 February 2025]( This event is open to all, but especially relevant to people and groups based in Wales and England - we’d love to hear your thoughts and perspectives on this topic.

