Transition Together

News & events from the team developing Vive and supporting Transition to grow and thrive in the UK

Chris McCartney · ·
Last updated Feb 27, 2024 - 12:08 PM Visible also to unregistered users

February 28, 2024 (8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Europe/Berlin)

**All welcome! Here is the zoom link for the event - join by clicking [this link]( "this link") at the time. OR sign up for a ticket here to get updates and reminders:** []( Part of our Spring Series - Transition Alive! An invitation to explore the challenge of our time, the potential of our Movement and a renewed, shared vision for our future. **Part One: Alive to the call of justice** **In this session, join us to explore how we build a ‘Just Transition’ through community action? How can we ensure our movement is creating space for all to shape the future?  We’ll unpack how we can build a just transition through community action, exploring issues around migration, inequality, food access and colonialism with** - Pauline O’Flynn, Grow Belfast - Steve Jones, Community Roots Permaculture Project - [Yaz Brien](mention:e582d486-00b9-4f6e-8465-5a1d4f860e02 "/u/yazbrien/"), Transition Together - [Rakesh Rootsman Rak](mention:bafc545d-e2dd-4bab-b14c-afce01feb539 "/u/rakeshrootsmanrak/"), Transition IG3/Decolonising Permaculture - Rose Music, Transition Heathrow - Hosted by our Just Transition lead, [Rona Hardie](mention:89647eed-f9e2-4f52-ab73-c36ce9a9e64a "/u/ronahardie/") and Transition co-founder Rob Hopkins. **All welcome! Here is the zoom link for the event - join by clicking [this link]( "this link") at the time. OR sign up for a ticket here to get updates and reminders:** []( ![](file-guid:4d388fd0-bf5d-4b0c-b348-1647a2d8c773 "Part 1 Justice BLUE version (1).png")
10 Attending · 1 Undecided · 1 Declined · 0 Invited